Group Coaching
Group Coaching for Women
Who Want to be Happier by Being Healthier
Transform your health and your life with professional coaching at a price you can afford.
Choose your personal health goal…
Lose weight
Start to exercise
Eat healthier food
Cut out one of the following: cigarettes / alcohol / caffeine / meat
Sleep better…etc.
2. Sign up for Group Coaching
With an International Coaching Federation certified coach (ACC)
That’s me! Send me an email
3. Join me via Zoom every other Wednesday 4pm – 5:30pm (UK time)
With a group of 3-7 other women who will: -
Support you as you define and implement your self-care plan
Celebrate your victories with you
Guaranteed—No Judgment!
Wednesday 4th January - Wednesday 15th March
Total cost for six sessions of 90 minutes of group coaching: